
Our Contribution to Society

Corporate Social Responsibility

Young people are one of the important assets for a nation, especially Indonesia. Highly competent and competitive young people need to be supported by high quality education and various adequate facilities. To support the education development in Indonesia, ZEKINDO is committed to conduct product research and continuous collaboration with several top universities in Indonesia, and regulary gives appreciation to outstanding students at the high school level through scholarship programs and funding support for students’ external activities, such as Sekolah Sepak Bola Anak under Asosiasi PSSI Kota Bandung. ZEKINDO is also committed to making a real contribution to society through social activities and donations to support community life.

Healthy, Safety & Environment

In the safety aspect, ZEKINDO is committed to creating a work environment that prioritizes safety for our employees. Each employee is responsible for their own safety and other fellow employees, contractors, and the community. In order to achieve the target of an environment.


We are also committed to handle chemical waste and prioritize the safety of all employees. This commitment is carried out in accordance with the quality management implemented in ISO 45001 – Occupational Health and Safety Management System. Through this commitment, PT Zeus Kimiatama Indonesia aims to create a healthy and balanced work environment, by achieving environmental and community welfare.

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