Water Treatment
Water is one of the important and main aspects in the industry continuation, especially for the manufacturing industry.
Water is used in heating, cooling, and processing, so it must be treated optimally to produce high quality products.
The high consumption causes the large quantity of waste produced, thus requiring chemicals and technology to support
waste treatment in accordance with the quality standards.
Wastewater Treatment Chemicals
Coagulants (Polyamine and Polydadmac), Flocculants (Polyacrylamide), Color Removal (Resin Amine and Poly DCD), and Antifoam (Water, Mineral Oil, and Silicone Based)
The discrepancy between COD and TDS values with quality standards is a common problem encountered in the wastewater treatment process. Our chemicals are designed to solve these problems effectively and efficiently.
Cooling Water Treatment Chemicals
Corrosion Inhibitor, Scale Inhibitor, and Microbiocide
Metal corrosion, scaling, and biofouling are common problems encountered in cooling water treatment. These problems can be overcome with various chemicals that we provide to optimize process heat transfer efficiency.
Reverse Osmosis Treatment Chemicals
Antiscalant, Microbiocide, SDI Reducer, and Membrane Cleaner
Reverse osmosis membrane often experiences a lifespan decrease due to various operational problems. Common operational problems experienced are biofouling and salt breakthrough, where these problems can be overcome with our chemicals.
Boiler Water Treatment Chemicals
Condensate Corrosion Inhibitor, Internal Treatment, and Oxygen Scavenger
Process efficiency and steam quality decrease can be caused by scale formation and corrosion in boilers. The use of chemicals based on specific needs in the internal process of the boiler can maintain the quality of the steam produced to comply with process standards